

Lost In A Garden Of Clouds

Lost in a garden of clouds is a virtual exhibition that extends the digital program of AMRO20 “Of Whirlpools and Tornadoes”
As the festival moved online, also the planned show had to be made accessible remotely and this initiated an exciting process of transformation for both the exhibition format and many of the artworks in it. It is a clickable narrative that accompanies the viewer into a realm of cloudy interfaces, a labyrinth of online spaces divided in landscape areas. There is no unique and predefined journey, but a rather open narrative between two dimensional and three dimensional spaces at the borders of the web.
The works featured here engage with aspects of the climate emergency and its negationism, with the places where natural or urban ecosystems connect with the digital ones and with the exploitation of natural resources and chemical pollution.

Heath Bunting , FRAUD (Audrey Samson and Francisco Gallardo), César Escudero Andaluz, Joana Moll, Marloes de Valk, Christina Gruber, Malte Steiner, Eva-Maria Lopez, Mathieu Zurstrassen, KairUs, Franz Xaver, Nikola Brabcova, Michal Klodner, Rihards Vitols, Simon Weckert

Curator: Davide Bevilacqua
Exhibition Design: Yang Mu & Sai Bao

Font FancyCube by "Lord Nightmare" ( CC BY-SA 3.0)
P5.js Library (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Introduction to p5js shaders
Shader adapted from simple 2D Clouds by zxxuan1001
Prevent Backbutton snippet by Rohit416 from stackoverflow

All other images & videos by the artist.

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